The Place I Call Home

A Place I Call Home – Ulverstone to Leven Canyon Lookout
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Allison Pryer representing the Central Coast municipality. Originally from Burnie, after travelling throughout Australia and overseas for many years, Allison returned to Tasmania five years ago to settle in Ulverstone, a town she describes as having ‘heaps of gusto and character’. With over 15 years of creating ceramics and many years of painting experience with acrylics and sculpture, Allison is now increasing her painting prominence and enjoying painting murals. Allison has also authored and illustrated a children’s story and activity book for young children, ‘The Uncool Fool: Talking Rubbish’.

Aurora @ Opossum Bay
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Gren Freeman, representing the Tasmanian municipality of Clarence. Gren spent much of his working life in the signage industry and then transitioned into graphic design for the sign industry. Having designed and constructed sculptures of Australian animals using recycled roofing iron, Gren was recently commissioned to produce two life size Clydesdale horses that will be exhibited in New Zealand. Gren became interested in murals and street art in 2014 when he entered Mural Fest and took out second place. Since then, Gren has been a Finalist and Mural Fest winner. Gren took out the Highly Commended Award in 2020 with his mural ‘Preservation’.

Nature’s Frequency
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Brooklyn Jaxx representing Tassie’s Central Coast. A multi-disciplinary artist, Brooklyn thrives on creative challenges. Utilising a range of methods of creative expression, she is drawn to acrylic paint as her preferred medium. With privately commissioned murals in the Cradle Country area, Brooklyn loves to explore the ever-changing landscape of the North West and is eager to explore her identity as a prominent mural artist in the Tasmanian community.

A Generous Gift
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Janine Poke representing Railton. Art and painting have been an important part of Janine’s life and has brought her a great deal of enjoyment over the years. Inspired by the story telling of Artists such as Fredric McCubbin, Tom Roberts, and the work of Claude Monet, earlier this year, Janine painted a mural of Pipping Lane for the Devonport Racing Club. Janine is being assisted by her daughter, Zeenah Mamonski.

Promised Land
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Shasa Bolton representing the Promised Land. Shasa will be painting alongside his mum, Jan Rigden Clay, also a first-time Finalist at Mural Fest.
Shasa enjoys creating surreal trompe L’oeil art that aims to trick the viewer into feeling that they may be viewing something extraordinary in the real world. He generally tries to create imagery that is whimsical and leaves the viewer with positive yet curious thoughts. Jan, on the other hand, loves the world of fantasy and intrigue and has collaborated with her son Shasa on many projects over the years.

A Walk Through the Forest
Introducing Mural Fest Finalists, Fereleth Lee and Gillian Robnik, both former Finalists and Winners of Mural Fest.
Fereleth works mainly with acrylics on canvas, favouring animal themes, surrealism, and quirky concepts with many of her works being held in private collections in Australia and overseas. Fereleth has also painted commissioned murals in NSW and Tasmania and written and illustrated the children’s book, ‘A Caravan of Camels’. Fereleth painted with Alicja Swiderska in 2020 and won the Inder Prize with their mural ‘The Changeover’.
In addition to having tutored many classes in ceramics, watercolours and painting on silk, Gillian has a passion for the natural environment which is apparent in her landscapes and animal portraiture. Gillian also enjoys depicting old homes as her way of preserving the past, working mostly in watercolours and acrylics.

A Place I Call Home
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, John Eathorne representing West Tamar. Having previously competed at Mural Fest, John has over 40 years of experience as a freelance commercial artist in addition to signwriting, murals, and fine-art portraiture. John has been painting internationally for over thirty years, including public mural commissions in New Zealand, Queensland, Northern Territory, Tasmania, and England.

Day and Night
Introducing first time Mural Fest Finalists Fong-Jhu Wu (Ejo) and Fangzhou Li (Billy) representing Hobart. Originally from Taiwan, Ejo has strong painting skills and a delicate personality which is fully expressed in the details of her artworks. ‘I think art has no boundaries, and it can be integrated into daily life so that you can find surprises in detail everywhere.’ Ejo’s hope is to raise people’s environmental awareness through art.
Originally from China, Billy is an experienced mural artist, textile designer and graphic designer who likes to combine different drawing and painting styles with different materials and techniques. As an artist, Billy aspires to use his artwork to pass on cultural messages to people and help others heal through his creative artworks.

Belonging to Nature
Introducing Mural Fest Finalist, Alicja Swiderska representing the Kentish municipality. Originally from Poland, Alicja has pursued her passion of visual arts, specifically painting and drawing, devoting considerable time to painting portraits, landscapes and other subjects in water colour, oil, acrylic and pastels. Having participated as a Finalist at several Mural Fest’s since 2004, Alicja painted with Fereleth Lee in 2020 winning the Inder Prize with their mural ‘The Changeover’. Alija is being assisted by her daughter, Dorota Swiderska.